
File Archive [1.1 MB] |
- Install the game.
- Apply the Settlers 3 1.38 Update.
- Replace the S3.EXE file with the one from the archive.
- Play the game!
CD-Copy Installation:
- Use BlindRead v2.02 to copy the full CD to a temporary directory.
- Extract all 12 Audio tracks.
- Create a Mixed-Mode CD and burn the contents of the temporary directory & Audio tracks to a 80 minutes CD-R.
CD-Reader: Plextor UltraPlex32
CD Software: Nero |
File Archive [1 MB] |
File Archive [975 KB] |
All known problems (trees, pics, settlers, loading, saving) are fixed. |
File Archive [975 KB] |
All known problems (trees, pics, settlers, loading, saving) are fixed. |
File Archive [4 MB] |
The MISSION.DAT file has been tested with the 1.20 & 1.23 versions. |
File Archive [4 KB] |
- Install the game.
- Extract the START.EXE patch to the game directory.
- Execute the patch, press the OK button to play the cracked game.
Serial: 1955-0101-0442-6111-8401
The patch is not really a patch but a loader. This is because the exe-file is encrypted.
All known problems (trees, pics, settlers, loading, saving) are fixed.
This patch doesn't seem to be 100% working, instead use the fixed 1.23 or 1.25 Patch from TWD. |
Language |
CD Volume Label |
CD #1: S3CD1_F
CD #2: S3CD2_F |
Audio & Data tracks sizes |
- |
Protection |
- |
CD-Reader |
- |
CD-Writer |
- |
Software |
CD-R Media |
- |
Instructions |
Settlers 3 v1.23 [FRENCH] CD-Copy |
CD-Copy CD #1:
- Copier tout le contenu du cd (sauf missions.dat) sur le disque dur.
- Copier le fichier missions.dat, mais au moment ou l'explorateur
freeze, ferm? la tache avec CTRL+ALT+DEL.
Vous avez ainsi le fichier sur votre disque dur (21 Mb)
- Extraire les pistes audio en utilisant cdrwin par exemple
- Graver sur un cdr de 80 minutes en utilisant comme nom de volume
CD-Copy CD #2:
- Il y a pas de protections, utilisez seulement un cdr de 80 minutes
avec comme nom de volume S3CD2_F
Une fois le jeu install?, appliquez le patch 1.22 --->1.23
Il n'y aura plus le problemes des petits arbres,etc...... |
File Archive [40 KB] |
Kopiert beide Siedler III CD's nach der offizizellen SPI-Anleitung:
- Installiert das Game.
- Kopiert die Files 'autorun.exe' (?berschreiben) und 'SubProS3.exe' in euer Siedler 3 Directory auf der HD.
- Kopiert die 'Autorun.dat' in das Verzeichnis "INSTALL" auf eurer HD und ?berschreibt das alte File.
- Startet Siedler 3 mit CD1 im Laufwerk per Startmen?, Autorun oder 'SubProS3.exe'
Dieser Patch sollte nun endlich das Schweineproblem l?sen.
Needed Serial Numbers:
Key # 1: 5283-1250-7830-4031-8602
Key # 2: 8888-1380-0477-7152-3711
Key # 3: 4364-1150-1591-9260-9902
Key # 4: 2677-3590-1563-2183-0224
Key # 5: 6145-8842-2690-9479-9257 |
Der Pig-Patch beseitigt die Fehler w?hrend des Spiels die bei einer gebrannten Siedler 3 Version auftreten (Erzschmelze produziert Schweine). |
File Archive [146 KB] |
Siedler III - CD 1:
- Original CD auf HDD in ein Verzeichni? kopieren.
- Die Mission.dat kann nat?rlich nicht kopiert werden! Einfach die Mission.dat mit einem HexEditor ?ffnen, und bin?r auslesen ! (d.h. ?ffnen und dann mit dem HexEditor auf die HDD speichern !) Es geht auch, wenn man es mit Windows kopiert, und wenn er stecken bleibt mit Task Manager das Kopieren beenden !
- Die ersten 10 Audio Tracks digitalisieren.
- Als den 11 und 12 Audio Track nehmt ihr das Wave-File, das in diesem Zip enthalten ist!
- Die AUTORUN.EXE, AUTORUN.DAT (INSTALL Verzeichni? !!) einfach
mit der in diesem Zip enthaltenen Files ?berschreiben!
- Danach noch die Files SET3M.EXE und SERIAL.TXT in das Unterverzeichni? S3 kopieren ! (Sie werden dann automatisch mit installiert!)
- Dann einfach den DatenTrack mit den 12 AudioTracks auf einen normalen 650 MB Rohling brennen!
- Der Label f?r die CD ist : S3cd1_g
Siedler III - CD 2:
- Original CD auf HDD in ein Verzeichni? kopieren
- Die ersten 9 Audio Tracks digitalisieren
- Als den 11, 12 und 13 Audio Track nehmt ihr das Wave-File, das in diesem Zip enthalten ist!
- Dann einfach den DatenTrack mit den 12 AudioTracks auf einen normalen 650 MB Rohling brennen!
- Der Label f?r die CD ist : S3cd2_g
- Die zweite CD hat keinen Kopierschutz
Language |
CD Volume Label |
CD #1: S3CD1_E
CD #2: S3CD2_E |
Audio & Data tracks sizes |
The following information was collected by CD Diagnostic
Table of Contents CD #1
There are a total of 13 tracks on CD, plus the lead-out.
Track 1 occupies 228469 blocks (50 Min, 46 Sec, 19 Frames).
This track contains data and is ISO-9660 format.
Track 2 occupies 9110 blocks (2 Min, 1 Sec, 35 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 3 occupies 9255 blocks (2 Min, 3 Sec, 30 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 4 occupies 10693 blocks (2 Min, 22 Sec, 43 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 5 occupies 8616 blocks (1 Min, 54 Sec, 66 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 6 occupies 11589 blocks (2 Min, 34 Sec, 39 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 7 occupies 14456 blocks (3 Min, 12 Sec, 56 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 8 occupies 7520 blocks (1 Min, 40 Sec, 20 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 9 occupies 9047 blocks (2 Min, 0 Sec, 47 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 10 occupies 9327 blocks (2 Min, 4 Sec, 27 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 11 occupies 14017 blocks (3 Min, 6 Sec, 67 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 12 occupies 10819 blocks (2 Min, 24 Sec, 19 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 13 occupies 10585 blocks (2 Min, 21 Sec, 10 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Lead-out track starts at block 353503.
Data track 1 recorded as part of session 1.
This track has an application identifier of " ".
There are 2793 accessible files and 247 directories contained in this track.
Table of Contents CD #2
There are a total of 13 tracks on CD, plus the lead-out.
Track 1 occupies 234434 blocks (52 Min, 5 Sec, 59 Frames).
This track contains data and is ISO-9660 format.
Track 2 occupies 9110 blocks (2 Min, 1 Sec, 35 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 3 occupies 9255 blocks (2 Min, 3 Sec, 30 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 4 occupies 10693 blocks (2 Min, 22 Sec, 43 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 5 occupies 8616 blocks (1 Min, 54 Sec, 66 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 6 occupies 11589 blocks (2 Min, 34 Sec, 39 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 7 occupies 14456 blocks (3 Min, 12 Sec, 56 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 8 occupies 7520 blocks (1 Min, 40 Sec, 20 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 9 occupies 9047 blocks (2 Min, 0 Sec, 47 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 10 occupies 9327 blocks (2 Min, 4 Sec, 27 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 11 occupies 14017 blocks (3 Min, 6 Sec, 67 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 12 occupies 10819 blocks (2 Min, 24 Sec, 19 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Track 13 occupies 10585 blocks (2 Min, 21 Sec, 10 Frames).
This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.
Lead-out track starts at block 359468.
Data track 1 recorded as part of session 1.
This track has an application identifier of " ".
There are 80 accessible files and 12 directories |
Protection |
Unreadable Errors
The topside of CD #1 has been "damaged", a ring (about 1 mm) is clearly visible at about 1/3 of the outside of the CD. |
CD-Reader |
Yamaha CRW4416S |
CD-Writer |
Yamaha CRW4416S |
Software |
- Nero Burning Rom Failed
- after 4 hours it ejected CD #1
- CDRWIN 3.6b: Failed
- after 2 hours it returns a error window
CD-R Media |
- |
Instructions |
- |
File Archive [111 KB] |
Siedler III - CD 1:
- Den kompletten Daten-Inhalt ohne MISSIONS.DAT auf ein leeres Verzeichnis der Festplatte kopieren
- Die Audio-Tracks extrahieren
- Nun geht's ans Eingemachte! Um die Datei MISSIONS.DAT zu kopieren, braucht Ihr Hex Workshop 2.54. Diesen bekommt Ihr hier
Startet ihn und oeffnet die Datei von der Original-CD.
*** ACHTUNG ***
Lest die Datei vom BRENNER aus, nicht von Eurem normalen CD-ROM - Laufwerk! Allen Erfahrungen nach k?nnen Brenner "mehr" lesen als normale CD-ROMs!
Der Vorgang kann ein paar Minuten dauern. Sobald der Ladevorgang beendet ist, seht Ihr die ge?ffnete MISSIONS.DAT vor Euch. Bis zu den defekten Sektoren ist der Inhalt erhalten geblieben, danach wurden vom Brenner lauter Nullen gesetzt. Dies ist jedoch egal! Speichert jetzt die MISSIONS.DAT in das Verzeichnis auf der HD in das Ihr Siedler III kopiert habt.
- Jetzt muesst Ihr noch an zwei Dateien Veraenderungen vornehmen und zwar an der AUTORUN.DAT im Verzeichnis S3\INSTALL und an der AUTORUN.EXE im Verzeichnis S3, da auch die Autorun-Funktion einen Kopierschutz integriert hat! Totall irre, was? Um die Datei AUTORUN.EXE patchen, verwendet einfach den mitgelieferten Patcher GCG_S3AR.EXE. Die Datei AUTORUN.DAT ?berschreibt Ihr mit der ebenfalls mitgelieferten.
- Die mitgelieferte Datei S3GCG.EXE in das Verzeichnis S3 kopieren. Diese Datei stellt den Loader dar. Das Spiel kann NUR ueber die Datei S3GCG.EXE gestartet werden, NICHT ueber S3.EXE!!!
- Das war's eigentlich schon - aber leider passt der ganze Mist nicht auf einen 650 MB-Rohling! Deswegen muessen die Audio-Tracks veraendert werden. Das funktioniert so: Ihr muesst jeweils den Audio-Track 6 & 10 (das sind auf dem Layout also Track 7 und 11!) ersetzen durch den Audio-Track 8. Ihr solltet also den Audio-Track 8 insgesamt 3x im fertigen Layout haben!
- So - der Rohling ist nun randvoll mit geiler Software! Einfach noch der CD den Namen S3CD1_G geben und auf den Record-Knopf Eurer Brennsoftware dr?cken, warten und Siedler III geniessen!!!
- Oops! Beinahe haette ich es vergessen! Ihr braucht ja noch die Serial fuer das Game. Hier ist sie: 8786-4414-6830-9520-6377
Siedler III - CD 2:
- Diese CD hat keinen Kopierschutz. Hier gibt es zwei M?glichkeiten, die CD zu kopieren: Entweder Ihr nehmt einen 700 MB-Rohling und macht ein CD-Copy oder Ihr brennt nur den Daten-Track und lasst die Audio-Tracks sonstwo!!
This patch should fix all bugs (pigs & more) that still existed after patching the game using the previous fixes. |
Die Siedler 3 can be unprotected using the latest official 1.23 Update:
- Startup CDRWIN 3.6b.
- Click Backup Disc.
- Leave everything unchange except for the following option:
- Click START to begin the CD-Copy.
Use a 80 minutes CD-R as the image is too big for normal CD-R's.
- When ready install the game from the copied CD-R.
- Apply Die Siedler 3 1.20 to 1.23 Update (the Update doesn't have the bad block detection).
- Play the game!
This fix doesn't work for the Settlers 3 [ENGLISH] version.
Only a few CDROMs/CD-Writers seem to be able to read the complete CD. Many drives just stop (or eject the CD) when the unreadable blocks are read. It has been reported that the newer Yamaha and Teac CD-R55S CD-Writer will do the job.
Btw: The Teac CD-R55S is the only writer that can recreate these bad
blocks, so the game can maybe works without patching or upgrading (the other writers will convert them to readable ones)!
If you change the original because your drives are not able to handle this, don't be surprised when the game will not work. |
File Archive [26 KB] |
CD #1:
- Copy the full contents (without missions.dat) of the CD to harddisk.
- Extract the Audio tracks (for example with wavelab) to disk.
- Copy missions.dat to the before specified directory. When the Explorer seems to hang, press ctrl+alt+del and close the task.
You'll have the 21 MB missions.dat on hdd.
- Delete the demos (only the 2 files).
- Now you can burn the CD with the original label (S3cd1_g) and the Audio Tracks.
CD #2:
- Copy the full contents of the CD to harddisk.
- Extract the Audio tracks to disk (for example with wavelab).
- Burn the CD using original label (S3cd2_g) and the Audio Tracks.
The game runs (on my system) without any crack, but you need a serial number (use the SERIAL.EXE keygen included in the archive).
Both CD's are over 76 minutes so you need 80 minutes CD-R's. If 80 minutes CD-R's are not available make one of the Audio files smaller:
Edit the wave-files and cut some minutes of some of the Tracks (Here you need a bit experience, as soon as you are under 75 Min. you are able to burn the copy. You need to cut about 5:30 Min of each CD).
This CD-Copy instructions also works on the Settlers 3 release! |
- Startup CDRWIN 3.6b.
- Click Backup Disc.
- Leave everything unchange except for the following option:
- Click START to begin the CD-Copy.
Use a 80 minutes CD-R as the image is too big for normal CD-R's.
Because of the Sector Errors in the MISSIONS.DAT this will take some time to complete but you'll have a working copy! |
File Archive [40 KB] |
The Patch contains 2 files:
- SETTLEE3.EXE - This is the [ENGLISH] Patch.
SIEDLER3.EXE - This is the [GERMAN] Patch.
- SERIAL.EXE - This is an Serial creator needed for the single player campains.
this is the fixed patch for siedler(settlers) 3 by backlash. He notes, that there was a bug in his crack, so he fixed it. I tested this one with the german version 1.20 of S3. It works in Single- and Multiplayer-mode, but (like the other one) not with the campaign- mode. All the bugs (pigs + small trees + ...) of the first crack have been removed. [Zulu] |
File Archive [25 KB] |
The Patch contains 2 files:
- SIEDLER3.EXE - This is the Patch.
- SERIAL.EXE - This is an Serial creator needed for the single player campains.
This patch is not working 100%, use the fixed version above! |
CD #1:
- Copy the contents of disk 1 (except MISSIONS.DAT) to harddisk.
- Grap the audio tracks to harddisk.
- Copy MISSIONS.DAT to harddisk; it won't completely copy due to unreadable data. At the moment windows seems to hang (copy proces is halted) u should press CTRL-ALT-DEL and start Taskmanager. Now end the copy task! If everything goes well you should now have missions.dat (ca. 22 MB) on your harddisk. You don't need the complete file because only 5 MB is needed the rest is the copy-protection.
- Start Nero and select Mixed-Mode CD. Use Volume name:
- S3CD1_E - for the ENGLISH release.
- S3CD1_G - for the GERMAN release.
- Select all the files on your harddisk and burn it to CD (80 minutes).
CD #2:
- It has no protection of any kind...it's just a bit longer then 74 minutes. So you could try to overburn with Nero or just use a 80 min. CD-R.
Seems that there is still a protection active. The CD copies okay but when you start playing, some weird things are happening (the Iron-Melting Facility produces Pigs and not iron bars and new trees grow not up to the end...).
A serial is needed to play the single player campaigns:
- SerialNr: 1696-3465-2370-4158-4961
It is also possible to use a DOS box to copy the MISSIONS.DAT file. |
- Copy the whole CD#1 to harddisk except for this file: MISSIONS.DAT
- Grab the Audio Tracks to harddisk.
- Copy the file MISSIONS.DAT to the same directory, the copy-process will be halted because of a Read Error on the original CD. When the CD-Protection is halted press CTRL+ALT+DEL and use Taskmanager to stop the copy-process. The file should now be 21 MB in size on harddisk (after 6 MB the copy-protection is gone ...)
It is also possible to do a sectorcopy (HexWorkshop)
- Make a Mixed-Mode CD with the Data & Audio tracks and use the same CD volume label as the original CD.
- 80 minutes/700 Mb CD-Rs are needed.
- The 2nd CD doesn't have any Copy-Protection.
- I don't know if it is necessary to fill up the MISSIONS.DAT file with 00 Bytes to the original size but I did so just in case.
Settlers 3 & Die Siedler 3 Loader (NON-ISO!) |
01-01-1999 |
Razor / Backlash |
File Archive [RZR] [75 KB] |
File Archive [BLH] [39 KB] |
The patches ONLY work with Die Siedler [Backlash] release & Settlers 3 [Razor] release. |
